Founder & President of the European Society for Education and Communication (ESEC)
The European Society for Education and Communication (ESEC) is an international scientific association in the fields of education for communication, media, and society, acting primarily in the interest of cultural and educational support for the development of an integrated European society.
The association has participated for almost 15 years as a partner in various GRUNDTVIG, LEONARDO, and ERASMUS learning partnership projects for the processing, implementation, and dissemination of media-pedagogical knowledge.
Founding president of the editorial board of OKTO Community TV
Since 2005, OKTO community TV has offered all interested parties the opportunity to bring their topics and concerns to television in a self-determined manner. During the process, OKTO employees help with the concept development and provide technical support. The necessary infrastructure (cameras, editing suites, TV studio) and program slots are also available to OKTO producers free of charge.
Scientific Coordinator of the EU-supported Partnership Project “MEDLIT”
The MEDLIT project is an international cooperation of European and Southeast-Asian universities, working with support of the European Commission and in the framework of „Capacity Building“ programs. The main goal was to establish a nationally and internationally connected network of institutions, organizations and persons, involved in and engaged for a societally remarkable enhancement of media literacy.
Partner in the EU–funded project “DigiMedia”
In various projects, the Institute for Education and Media has carried out research on the quality of digital educational media with its partners and developed differentiated quality criteria for the evaluation of educational media. It was found that the exploration, evaluation and dissemination of high-quality educational media is not enough to improve the learning outcomes. Obviously, high-quality educational media will only be fully effective if they are integrated into a didactically designed teaching and learning concept and teachers have acquired the necessary media skills. From a media didactic point of view, educational media have the enormous potential to make teaching and learning processes different, as media-supported teaching and learning arrangements, self-learning in learning, cooperative scenarios and flexible offers to individualize learning offers.
A key role in this process is the digital competence of teachers, lecturers and trainers in the didactically relevant handling of digital media or with the digitization of teaching and learning environments and learning processes. The partnership therefore aims to promote the teaching, development and consolidation of adult educators’ digital literacy through integration (methodological inclusion and practical use) and procedurally selected, exemplary digital educational media into media-based teaching and learning arrangements.
Erasmus+ Project Result Database DigiMedia
Co Founder & Editor in Chief of deScripto
The concept of deScripto is to present the media landscape of countries in South East Europe in cooperation with the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO). deScripto means “of the written word,” a way of saying that the magazine is a journal of writing about writing, in particular, of writing about the media. The journals goal was to become a reference point for what needs to be known about media and communications development in South East Europe, and how it affects the public discourse in those countries.
Istanbul, Hanoi and Pristina Media Days
From 2010 to 2018, the Media Days were held as an international media conference with the aim of bundling experiences and findings from science and media practice. Various topics were addressed and discussed, for example “Journalism & War”, “Understanding the European media society” or “Journalism and media systems in transition”.